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Measuring Blinds Guide

Follow our simple guides below for measuring for your wooden/fauxwood venetian blinds. 

Measuring for Inside Recess Fitting

Step 1: Gather Materials

  • Metal tape measure
  • Pen and paper for recording measurements

Step 2: Measure Width

  1. Begin by measuring the width of the recess at the top, middle, and bottom.
  2. Record each measurement.
  3. Use the smallest of the three measurements as your width measurement.

Step 3: Measure Drop/Height

  1. Measure the height of the recess on the left, center, and right sides.
  2. Record each measurement.
  3. Use the smallest of the three measurements as your drop/height measurement.

Step 4: Record Measurements

  1. Note down the width and drop/height measurements.
  2. Ensure accuracy in recording to avoid mistakes in the ordering process.

Step 5: Place Order

  1. Provide the recorded measurements when ordering your wooden/fauxwood venetian blinds.
  2. Specify that you want a recess fitting.
  3. Do not make any deductions from the measurements, as the manufacturer will handle this to ensure a perfect fit.

Additional Tips:

  • Double-check all measurements before placing your order to avoid errors.
  • Use a metal tape measure as cloth ones may stretch and provide inaccurate measurements.
  • If there are any obstructions within the recess, such as window handles, ensure to measure around them or inform the manufacturer so appropriate adjustments can be made.

By following these steps, you can accurately measure your wooden/fauxwood venetian blinds for recess fitting, ensuring a perfect fit once they are installed.

Measuring for Exact Fitting

Step 1: Gather Materials

  • Metal tape measure
  • Pen and paper for recording measurements

Step 2: Measure Recess Size

  1. Measure the exact width and height of the window recess.
  2. Record these measurements accurately.

Step 3: Determine Overlap

  1. Add a little extra on all sides of the recess to ensure adequate coverage.
  2. For optimal light control and privacy, it's recommended to have a minimum overlap of 70mm at the top and 50mm on each side.
  3. Take into account any obstacles such as radiators when determining the overlap at the bottom.

Step 4: Calculate Final Measurements

  1. Add the required overlap to both the width and height measurements obtained from the recess.
  2. This will give you the final measurements for your blinds.

Step 5: Record Measurements

  1. Note down the final width and height measurements.
  2. Ensure accuracy in recording to avoid mistakes in the ordering process.

Step 6: Place Order

  1. Provide the recorded final measurements when ordering your wooden/fauxwood venetian blinds.
  2. Specify that you want an exact fitting outside the window recess with the recommended overlaps.
  3. Ensure to mention any specific instructions or obstacles that need to be considered.

Additional Tips:

  • Double-check all measurements before placing your order to avoid errors.
  • Use a metal tape measure as cloth ones may stretch and provide inaccurate measurements.
  • Consider the aesthetics and functionality when determining the amount of overlap required.
  • Communicate any special requirements clearly to the manufacturer to ensure the blinds are made to your specifications.

By following these steps, you can accurately measure your wooden/fauxwood venetian blinds for exact fitting outside the window recess, ensuring adequate coverage and optimal light control.

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